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Commercial Hatching Machine
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Standard Delivery 2-3 working days |
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Our Technology
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T Series
T / SH - All in / All out Egg Incubators
T1600SH |
T1600 SH egg incubator is offered together with TX2S-10 egg incubator setters trolley and TCS2-10 egg incubator hatchers trolley. Our model with the capacity of 1600 chicken eggs, can also be used for other types of poultry thanks to the TR series tray types. Thanks to the unbounded setters and hatcher trolleys, the cabin can be used for setters as well as hatchery processes. The fully automatic model is equipped with a fan cooling system against the temperature rise.
Active Periodic Cooling (First in the market) Most birds leave the nest, at least once, during incubation. During this time, the eggs cool down and release moisture. Active Periodic Cooling (APC) changes the temperature and humidity within the incubator to reenact the cooling and dehumidifying process that eggs would receive naturally from the mother bird leaving the nest. This unique addition to our incubators increases hatch rates. This is extremely important if you hatch goose eggs! Egg Capacities
website is part of Crescentquail Gamebird Product suppliers! ©2015 Crescentquail is Cimuka’s only main UK Distributor www.egg-incubators.co.uk
sales@egg-incubators.co.uk 24/7 Call for advice07477 550 230